We know it is scary and all the information can be confusing, but we are here to tell you what we know about YOU and YOUR PET and CORONAVIRUS.

It is TRUE that there is a dog that was tested in Hong Kong, and was positive for Coronavirus, but the dog is NOT sick and is NOT showing any signs or symptoms. A virus can hang out in another species without causing disease, and without being infectious to others. For now on cash loans usa, this seems to be the case.

The World Organisation For Animal Health says that the predominant route of transmission of COVID-19 appears to be from human to human but are investigating if and how there could be animal sources involved.

Other resources like the Centers for Disease Control suggest the best thing to do at this time is to WASH YOUR HANDS. (with soap and water) We have heard it a million times but being more vigilant about washing for the FULL 20 seconds that are recommended and using hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available.

We recommend having a few extra pet supplies around. As more information becomes available about all of this, it may be important to lay low, and avoid high traffic areas. Because no one really knows how things are going to be affected by Coronavirus, it might be helpful to have extra supplies than to be met with empty shelves at the store.


For more information about Coronavirus:

The World Organisation For Animal Health

The Centers for Disease Control

World Health Organization

World Small Animal Veterinary Organization